Making resolutions for the year ahead is a time-honored tradition. Whether you are a goal-chaser who religiously checks off each resolution, or the one who just likes to follow the tradition, there’s no better time to reflect on the past year and plan for the next.

Here are seven resolutions you should make (and keep😊) to ensure business success in 2021:

  1. Modernize, digitize, and optimize!

Enterprises with robust digitization initiatives were able to adapt quickly to the unexpected in 2020. The same companies will stand out in 2021, as they are able to work more productively, and from remote locations, seize opportunities faster, and exceed customer expectations by finding new ways to personalize engagement.

After a year of instability and uncertainty, companies are also looking for ways to optimize expenses. Automating your processes, empowering your employees to build applications in-house, and migrating your operations to the cloud are just some of the ways to reduce costs and improve efficiency.

  1. Invest in security

Information security is paramount for enterprises across industries. And for good reason! The sheer amount of data available to enterprises today is unprecedented. You must invest in new-age technologies to strengthen your defence, improve risk management, and ensure remote and secure data access while complying with regulatory requirements.

Tap into blockchain capabilities to encrypt your data and stay vigilant to avoid security breaches.

  1. Increase engagement with your customers

This goes beyond soliciting feedback from your customers after a transaction. Leverage social media and modern technologies to be where your customers are and to monitor their sentiments, needs, and complaints. Ensure meaningful responses and anytime-anywhere engagement with your customers in channels of their choice.

  1. Use data to your advantage

It is easy to become overwhelmed by the amount of data available to your enterprise. Data can prove to be your best friend if you leverage analytical tools to glean meaning from the available information and foster a culture of data-driven decision making across your organization. The time is now to use modern technologies, including artificial intelligence and machine learning to further simplify and optimize your day-to=day operations .

  1. Keep the learning going

Whether you choose to learn something business-related or pick up a completely unrelated skill, be intentional about enhancing your capabilities (and that of your employees!). Invite industry experts to talk about relevant issues, take a cooking class with your team, or introduce gamification—by trying something new, you can build team camaraderie and add value to your organization.

  1. Take stock of your operations

Don’t just make do with broken processes—identify what’s working and what’s not. Use reporting and analytical tools to assess vulnerabilities, optimize processes, and eliminate inefficiencies. Remember, disjointed processes end up hurting your employee productivity and customer experience.

  1. Give back to your community

Your company is inherently driven by its core values, so tap into those sentiments and find meaningful ways to give back to your community. Search for mentorship, volunteering, or donation opportunities that reflect your company’s mission!

So, tackle the projects you’ve been putting off, patch up those pesky business gaps, and keep your resolutions to make this year the best yet for your enterprise!