Sitting in a coffee shop on a pleasant Saturday evening, I was about to sip my favorite café latte when my phone buzzed. It was my mobile e-bill. To my surprise, it was exorbitantly higher than the previous ones. When I read through the complete call log and data usage, I found that the bill was faulty. Without wasting time, I connected to the provider’s customer service and requested them to send me the rectified bill.

Despite the complaint being registered, I started getting merciless reminders via texts and emails to make payment against the faulty bill. Agitated enough, I had to spend days on the phone informing the billing department of the error and requesting them to share the rectified bill. Unfortunately, all the requests were conveniently taken for granted. Instead, I received endless SMSes and emails about their new promotional data offers and free incoming roaming calls. The shoddy treatment coupled with the billing bungle resulted in chaos, and it made me feel displeased as a customer.

Let’s drill down into detail and scrutinize what exactly went wrong here?

Evident enough, there was no collaboration between the customer service, billing, and the marketing department. Owing to the interdepartmental silos, communications which I received were irrelevant, out-of-context, non-personalized and untimely – all leading to a terrible experience.

Impactful Customer Communication

Customer communications can be in various forms such as contracts, bills, call center inquiries, welcome kits, invoices, and statements. In most of the organizations, these are handled by different groups. Thus, disparate approaches and appalling services might dent a brand’s reputation. Smart marketing may attract customers, but that’s not enough. Every subsequent interaction has the potential to make or break the relationship with customers.

Brace up with Customer Communication Management

In such a highly customer-centric environment, it is important to understand the customer preferences and the end-to-end customer journey to deliver overwhelming services. Easier said than done, customers’ journeys are often complex and spans across different interaction points such as phone, call center, website, email, social media, stores, to mention a few and it is important to be bang on across these touchpoints. Brace up in defense with Customer Communications Management (CCM). The tool enables businesses to design, manage and deliver personalized communications and keep customers happily engaged.

How Customer Communication Management makes each communication count

  • Collaborates customer data present within different departments and provides a unified platform to roll out contextualized communications
  • Enables consistency in communications, which are delivered on-time across multiple engagement channels
  • Utilizes standardized and domain-specific templates to endorse brand regularity via communications
  • Supports on-demand and interactive communications to generate content as per customers’ needs, demands and preferences
  • Leverages pre-defined business rules to personalize communications, which further extend a helping hand in cross-selling and upselling products or services
  • Integrates with disparate IT legacy systems, making it an easy to use plug-n-play solution
  • Helps to comply with regulatory standards

In Conclusion

It goes without saying that no business can thrive without happy customers! Had stringing with a mouthful of fancy words helped brands to sell products or services, every other brand would have thrived in such a highly competitive market. A positive customer experience is important for the survival of any organization and that’s when CCM paves the smooth path to maintain a consistent brand voice in the digital age and win customers over with delightful, impactful services.